4 reasons why people choose to end a long-term marriage

As of 2015, the average lifespan of men was 77 years and the average for women was 81. In 1970, the average life spans were 67 and 74, respectively. These longer life expectancies might be one of the reasons why long-term marriages seem to be failing in higher numbers. In addition, people are working longer, leading more active lifestyles and are less reluctant to start over later in life.

There are various reasons why people choose to leave long-term marriages. Sometimes it is a matter of simple discontent, while for others the reasons are more complicated. Here are some common reasons why people decide to get divorced later in life.


After many years of marriage, it is not uncommon for the intimacy in a relationship to fade or completely disappear. If this happens, it increases the chances of one or both spouses to look outside of the marriage to fill the void. Unfortunately, infidelity often causes the marriage to completely break down to a point that is beyond repair.

A desire for a new life

Once the kids are grown and have moved out of the house, you might realize that you do not want to spend the next few decades yoked to your present spouse. Perhaps you want the chance to start a new career or go on an around-the-world adventure. Maybe you simply want a different life. If your partner is not on board with your desires or if the two of you no longer have an emotional connection, you may start considering divorce so that you are free to pursue your new goals.

Divorce is no longer a big deal

Divorce has become much more commonplace in the last 30 or 40 years than it used to be. In fact, the majority of your friends or family members might be divorced or on their second and even third marriages. No longer do you have to worry about being shunned in most social circles for getting a divorce.

Retirement was a breaking point

When a couple retires together, they might find that the increased time together is not as pleasant as they once thought it would be. For example, if you and your husband both worked full-time careers and then retired together, the two of you might realize that all this togetherness is actually driving you apart. It is not wholly uncommon for a couple to find out after 20 or 30 years of marriage that they have no shared interests and may not even particularly like one another.

If any of the above scenarios apply to you, you might be ready to consider a divorce. Whatever decision that you make should be guided by sound legal counsel so that you achieve the best results to begin a new chapter in your life.

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